Your Guide to J-Vloggers: Bobby Judo

This is Bobby Judo. He is episode two of YGTJV.

Bobby Judo is a cool dude. I only discovered him more recently, so I know less of his background (for instance, why he's actually in Japan). What I do know about Bobby Judo is that he's American, and he's way better at Japanese than I am. He's been living in Japan for over seven years, but that's cheating.

I enjoy watching his videos because I can count on him to be honest. Whether he's being honest about himself, Japanese culture, or whatever else, it feels good to get the real story. It also feels way more personal than a lot of the J-vlogs I'm used to seeing because he's so honest. It is a little jarring to hear such direct things being said in Japanese.

He mainly does vlogs to the camera, which is a great opportunity to hear a lot of spoken Japanese, and he also speaks very clearly in English, so I think it'd be a great choice for Japanese trying to learn English.

I also just learned that he makes culinary videos in English on Bobby Judo Cooks.

Previous issue of YGTJV: Sharla

Check him out and tell him I said hi!

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